Business Analytics to make sense of your data

Know your business reporting and data analytics requirements. We engage in meaningful communication with business stakeholders in order to understand how inflection points, milestones and trends in organizational data can improve and grow the enterprise.
ETL - Extract your business data from any disparate sources. Translate into a common and uniform data source. Load this homogeneous data into your new data warehouse.
Leverage the knowledge of your business operations and goals to provide relevant reporting on how your organization is currently performing as well as realistic projections of future trends.

What we do

Tableau Analytics and Visualizations
Landfall Analytics uses Tableau to help you visualize your data. Tableau interactive visualizations allow you to see, at a glance, trends, milestones and meaningful metrics of how your organization is performing. Tableau allows you to drill down into the particulars of each visual to understand the inflection points of each data element. Harness the power of your data. Unleash the potential of your people. Let Landfall Analytics build your Tableau reporting system.

Microsoft Power Business Intelligence
Power BI is a business analytics service by Microsoft. Power BI provides interactive visualizations and business intelligence capabilities with an interface simple enough for end users to create their own reports and dashboards. Once your organizations data warehouse has been built, you will be able to use Power BI to create your own ad hoc charts and reports. Landfall Analytics can either provide you the necessary training to use Power BI or build the reporting dashboards for your company's use.

Microsoft SharePoint
LandFall Analytics will customize MS SharePoint 365 to encapsulate your organizations knowledge base including Power Business Intelligence dashboards. This secure platform allows business stakeholders timely access to the operational data and performance metrics of your company.

Microsoft Powerapps
LandFall Analytics will build your Mobile Application that runs on Android, iOS, Windows (Modern Apps), and with almost any Internet browser. We can access your business data in almost every format including SharePoint, SQL databases, Excel and many others.

Crystal Reports
Crystal Reports is the gold standard that public and private institutions use to organize, report and chart organizational data. Constructed on top of your data warehouse, Crystal allows users to drill down into significant business metrics to better understand the operational areas the data is drawn from.

Data Warehouse - OLAP Cube Design
Landfall Analytics can design and build your Online Analytical Processing (OLAP) database cube. Your data is stored on your premise or securely in Microsoft's Azure cloud.